A marketer’s survival guide to COVID-19

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Over the last few months, Coronavirus has changed the way we work, travel, socialise and interact with people. Not only has this had a huge impact on our personal lives, but the economy has suffered a massive hit. The crisis has created new business opportunities such as e-commerce websites or online workout subscriptions. However, with an instant decrease in consumerism and unemployment on the rise, some brands have been faced with new challenges. As marketers, we play an important role in keeping businesses flourishing through the pandemic. We need to be resourceful to discover new ways to engage with clients and adapt to an ever-changing situation.

With that in mind, here are some tips to fellow marketers on how to adapt your business.

(If you haven’t already), go digital!

Whilst everybody has had to stay at home, the Internet has become a vital part of our lives. Whether you’re shopping on Amazon, doing a Joe Wicks fitness class or chatting to your mates on Zoom, developing online connections has never been so important. With everybody now glued to the web, moving your advertising online is probably the best choice you could make. From social media content to PPC, there are numerous ways you can engage with clients online. The key point to remember is to invest your money in a strategy that leads to conversions and more website traffic.

Communication is key

These are uncertain times for everyone. Whether you’re a parent struggling with childcare, a graduating student worried about what the future holds or an NHS nurse, there is a great sense of anxiety among our wider community. For this reason, now is the time to ensure you communicate with your clients more than ever. It could be a note of reassurance on the safety measures you are taking as a company, or even just a funny meme you saw on Facebook. Communication is key in a crisis to maintain those trusted relationships with clients.

Think about how your product can evolve for the current situation

If you sell hand sanitizer then you’re all set. But what about all the other companies whose products aren’t necessities during a pandemic? For example, products such as makeup and cosmetics are generally associated with going out and socialising. Florence Wright at Edge by Ascential says the pandemic has greatly impacted the beauty industry and brands are struggling to market their products during this unexpected period. Perhaps you could promote your product as a gift that could be sent to loved ones. Or a campaign about restarting your social life could encourage people to continue purchasing your beauty products. This is a time to think outside the box and get creative with the ways in which you could market your product or service. Think about how it could bring something positive to the pandemic.

Offer online professional training

With so many people out of work at the moment, this may be a time to upskill or consider a change in career path. Offering online professional training not only helps people get back into work but is also an opportunity to show off your company’s expertise. Publishing informative content is both engaging and useful and also gives you a chance to network with some talented, like-minded people. So, whatever your industry, an online course is hugely beneficial for connecting with potential clients.

Do something for the community

In times like these, small acts of kindness are particularly noticeable and certainly go a long way. Some brands, such as Evian, have chosen to donate some of their proceeds to NHS charities and frontline workers. Others, like Kleenex, have included special discounts or freebies to help people in these uncertain times. Small acts of kindness like these can really make somebody’s day so think about what you could to go that extra mile for your customers. We must recognise people’s needs in a crisis and demonstrate social responsibility as businesses.


So, although times are tough, there are still many things we can do to interact with clients during these unprecedented times. We must be resourceful (there really is a lot we can achieve from our kitchen tables!) and adapt to the situation so that we can use it to our advantage. The pandemic won’t last forever, but our actions over the next few months will be key to how our businesses will function on the other side. With the correct marketing knowledge, surviving COVID-19 might not be as complicated as you think.

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