What is ToFu, MoFu & BoFu?

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ToFu is probably a word you’ve heard before! It’s made out of soy milk and often eaten by vegans. However, we are not here to help you understand vegan food (although that would make for an interesting blog post).

ToFu, Mofu and BoFu on the other hand, might sound confusing. It sounds a bit like a foreign language when you first hear about it, but its actually a marketing term used by sales and marketing professionals that you must know in order to make your business thrive.

This term helps pace your approach to sales leads within a sales funnel preventing you from rushing to the finish line, potentially scaring off a lead.

This sales funnel is to help you understand the customers location within the purchasing process.

The sales funnel captures a wide range of leads. These leads are aware they might have a problem and educates them, narrowing down the funnel until they have enough information and knowledge creating trust within your company that they feel ready to make a purchase from your business.

Recognising what stage the lead is at within the funnel, helps to deliver the right type of marketing. By doing this you are prioritising the interests of leads without driving sales away.

ToFu - Top of the funnel

Also known as the top of the sales funnel, ToFu deals with a high volume of leads and is the first stage used to spread awareness without pressuring potential customers into making a purchase.

Within this stage, you will have a lot of leads however, not all of them will continue the search and buy. They will be researching a problem they have, but do not know much about.

The goal for this stage is to not attempt to make a sale too quickly, but to educate with quality content.

You can do this by using:

These forms of content should be educational and will attract a larger audience that is relevant and showing interest in what you have to offer.

You could use a call-to-action, asking the lead to find out more information in exchange for contact details.

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Remember, your goal in this stage should be to educate and not to try and make a sale as this could discourage possible conversions. (Site visitors who are paying customers)

MoFu - Middle of the funnel

This stage is known as the middle of the sales funnel. If a lead reaches this stage, they know they have a problem and it is clear what they want and need.

During this stage you must help the lead consider your company as the best option to solve this problem using targeted content and offers.

Leads still won’t be looking to make a purchase from a specific company but will be researching specifically to their problem. They will be using your content to educate themselves however, they will most likely be looking at content from other businesses as well.

This stage helps build trust with leads therefore, trying to make a sale could jeopardise this trust.

MoFu should also be educational and more in depth content however, this time you want to position your company as the solution to the needs and wants of the lead.

Content that can support this:

This stage is seen as the most complicated due to the diversity of potential leads.

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BoFu - Bottom of the funnel

The final stage is known as the bottom of the funnel. BoFu is known as the most crucial stage as this is where the sale is made.

Leads at this stage have done a significant amount of research and know exactly what they are looking for. They know about your company and what you do.

Leads should be ready to talk to you at this stage.

BoFu might not consist of any content at all. Instead this is where the main call-to-action should be used, enticing the lead to make a purchase.

You can do this by having:

By using these as calls-to-action, you are creating a sense of urgency within the conversion and therefore will more likely make a sale while keeping the trust.

So, you’ve read through this process, but does it really work?

Well, research shows that the leads who have been nurtured through this process create 50% more sales and 47% of those leads have larger purchases.


Parts of this process of nurturing the lead can be automated as this can help campaigns be less time consuming for marketers. However, you can still include a personal touch, for example:

With more time freed up, you will be able to focus on creating more intriguing content.

A modern day sale isn’t what it used to be. The use of cold-calls and pressuring doesn’t work anymore and customers are aware of these sales methods. Instead the use of educating and informing will create trust between your company and the customer making the sales experience a lot nicer.

Have you used this process before? Give it a go and leave a comment about your experience.

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